Friday, December 2, 2011

A QUIZ by:Cole C.

De Bloging LeadershipBy:Jacks Parra

It was a OK time. I had fun blogging and everything(sorry that i did not post my last blog!),but it was not the best time I have ever had.... The bd thing about it is A:There was not much to do.
                                                                              B: You spend to much time praticitcing with a partner                                                                               C: The funnest thing you do is blog about someone!(I think thats pretty fun!)
Thats about it, and the thing I like the most is blogging on the computer!

                                            Jacks Parra!!!!!                                      

                                               Return To Top! <  CLICK!     

What Do I Think of Bloging Club? By Grace Bader

What do I think of blogging club?  I think it was great because we got to learn how to use a blog and learn about some of my friends. I would like to start my own blog at home and I think that it is a good experience. I would like to know more on how to design your blog, but other wise it was a great experience. (:

Last bloging Class By Madeline F.

I loved blogging its been great how we got to interview teachers and blog about it. And do reflections but the best part are the teachers who teach it Mrs.Jackson and Mrs.Dievendorf they have been such a great considering Mrs.Dievendorf is my home room teacher but I'm going miss blogging. But all of us need to move on to other leaderships but I hope they will bring up my name the next leaderships I really enjoied it  (2 thumbs up LOL) :) I HOPE YOU DO BLOGGING NEXT!!!!!!! :)

Last blog By: Thomas Meacham

I thought blogging was okay because you didnt get to chose a topic. It was boring when we had to sit down the first class and listen about stuff (I cant remember what it was about) but I had a fun time with my friends blogging about interviews we did together.

I like pie. :)

My Experience In Blogging Leadership (last day) By: Ethan B.

I would love to continue to blog on my own and I want to learn how to make my own blogging website. I like this leadership becuase I love to do ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH COMPUTERS!!!!!!
There might be some other things I would like to know about blogging but I can't think of some right now. I hope that in the future I will learn a lot more about blogging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last day in leadership By: Jacob Panov

This is my last blog.  ._.
   I had such a fun time during blogging. Going to classes, interveiwing people, And mostly... Having fun with my friends!


Q: Would you like to blog on your own?
A: No thanks.

Q:Did you like this leadership? Why or why not?
A: Yes, but no. I did not like that half of the time we just talked about doing stuff. The first blogging class was the most BORING class I have ever been in bicause all we did was talk!!

Q:What other things would you like to learn about blogging?
A: Nothing. No thank you!
Good Job

the panthers are the super bowl champions

the panthers will be super bowl champions forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blogging Experience (last blogging class) - Andrew Eldridge

1. Yes, already have one                                                                                        

2. Yes; Why - Because I like blogging and doing other thijngs involving computers

3. (None)                                                                                                              

I like to blog at home but there are not many people on my blog to blog with.          


Blogging Club This Year............BY:Zach McAllister

This years blogging club was really fun. I like this leadership because it teaches you reasponsibility and how to blog. Because of this blog I can go home and make my own blog. I already have my own blog!
I would like to learn how to edit your blog. In this club you also get to interview teachers. This club is really........

FUN!!!!!!                       PKES!               

Highlight the sentance above

What Do i Think? By.Madison Bridges

Today is our last blogging club :( but at least you guys got to see a lot that has writin over the time we have been blogging it has been fun all the post the comments we get! :) I liked blogging club bc u could write what you wanted on  here, the way u  want to, not like writing it on a paper than turning it in to ur teacher it is how u like to write bc than its way much easier than just getting ur paper back rewriting it but it does make you became a better writer i juust love the way were you can just jump on here and write write write, A couple of reasons i like blogging club is all my friends and my to blogging teachers Ms.Dievendorf and Ms.Jackson they r awesome and i hope they will give me a A for saying that! :0 PSHH...WELL WE ALL NO THATS NOT GONNA HAPPEN  HEHEHE!!!! or they will go HAHAAHA! :)

i love star wars



look down it spells star wars like 50 times!!!!!!!!!

Did You Like Blogging Club? A quiz By: Ryan Tant

Did you like to...
A. Interview Teachers(3 points)
B.Talk with Friends(1 point)
C. Blog about random stuff(2 points)
For your next leadership would you rather
A.Male leadership YEEEEEAH! (1 point)
B.Technology Basics(3 points)
C.Babysitting Basics(2 points)
How many friends are in your leadership?
A.2-5(3 points)
B.1-2(2 points)
C.6-10(1 point)
D.I have no friends at all in leadership(1 point)
Did you make any friends?
A.Yes (3 points)
B.No (1 point)
If you scored
6-9-You love blogging club! No matter if you have no friends in it or not!
3-6-You think blogging club is ok
1-2-You didnt really like blogging club, did you?
None of the above-I don't know

Blogging club this year by Dillon McAllister

I want to start a blog about football at my house on my own. I think that would be really fun. I liked this leadership because we got to interview Mrs. Lee. We also got to learn how to make a blog. I would like to learn how to change my font size on a blog. I also could start a blog about video games. Overall I think the blogging club was really fun and I recomend this club for anyone who likes typing!


Highlight the whole red and green (whole line that says blogging) above

The Panthers rock !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the panthers rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bloging this year was.... By Shaun Wilson

Blogging was very fun thids year because we got to use computers and learn how to blog and see freind most important of all we got to learn how to be leader.


hilight the sentence above.

reflections of blogging class by: kalyn

               Would you like to blog on your own?

              Did you like leadership this year? why or why not?
                i was only here for 1 class      

             What would you like to learn about blogging?
                how to blog at home

                                                                                          Kalyn Jones

Last day of bloging By: Leah S. December 2,2011

For the first quarter of leadership, it was really fun!! It's really cool to blog about lots of stuff in the computer,and it is also cool to go into a teacher's room and interviewing  a teacher too! I had so much fun and believe me you have lots of fun too!  It maybe boring at first, but it be lots of fun when you really get into the great, juicy, fun stuff in blogging club.There are also some activities that you will do with a partner too.

My first blog ever by:Cole C.

PKES has awsome kids I think so because I'm a new student PKES is a cool school!!!
I love it here it is a civilized school for good and behaved young people.
I love all speacilists and teachers here, even my sister Afton C. loves it here!!!
But most of all I love all my friends too!!!2 of them live in my apartment center!!!

What Leadership Will YOU Choose Next Time? By: Ryan Tant

This is the last leadership session for now. But now, you get to choose two more! One more for the second 1/3 of the year, and another for the last leadership 1/3 of the year. There can be beutification, blogging, male leadership, healthy lifestyle and backyard games, music, technology basics, and lots more!

Did You By:Kyla Weaver

I Was only here four days but I liked leadership because It's fun.         I don't want to learn any more

the panthers will beat the buccaneers by: Tejas Padmanabhan

the panthers this week have a strong team aganist the buccaneers. I think they will win aganist the buccaneers

Blogging Club By Ryan Tant

This year in blogging club was fun. The things I thought were cool were how we got to make our own blog. I wonder if next year, the club will use the same website, with all of the old posts? If so, they can get some ideas on what they can blog about from us, the first blogging club. One thing I think can be improved is the popularity. All we got was 2 followers, by next leadership we should have atleast 5-20 followers! Then there would be a purpose behind posting all of these blogs, because currently only 2 people are reading our posts. I hope the bloggers next year have a better experience!

would you By: Kyla Weaver

My teacher asked if I would blog on my own?

I will because It's Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Reflection On Blogging By: Tejas Padmanabhan

The things i would like to blog about would be writing about your favorite things to do and what you do in that thing

I liked this Leadership because i like typing about  all the things I like

the things i would like to learn about in blogging would be learning how to comment