Monday, October 17, 2011

Leadership By Leah S.

So far ,I like blogging! I also love learning a bunch of new things  in blogging. Blogging is so much fun already! The best thing is my teachers teaching me so many cool and really fun lessons in blogging so far.

What do I think of Leadership? by Grace B.

  What do I think of think leadership?
I think that leadership is pretty cool because its a new fun way to meet new friends and learn new things for our future.So that's what I think of leadership. Are you in leadership? What do you think of leadership? If you are not in leadership would you like to be in it?

My Favorite Thing about leadership!

My favorite thing about leadership is giong on the computer and just to write what you think just type away! Being able to express yourself on the computer.And also just getting the chance to write about how being a fifth grader is. :)

my favort thing about 5 grade. DAVIS ARTHUR

blogging is rile fun rite now and we are geting bater.

leadership........ by Lynsie w.

what i like about leadership is you get to learn about something that you have'nt leared about before [for at least some people.] like this blogging class i never new what blogging was until i took this class and now i really really like infact i don't like it i love it i am going to do my own blog at home on a different website and i am going to rock it out. this is the best website on earth i am not going to sign up for this beacause i want to try new things but i will never forget the best leadership ever.

Leadership Blogging So Far... by Dillon McAllister

This blogging leadership academy is very fun because you learn how to post and comment on blogs. I love going to this leadership blogging commitee. Another thing is that I get to see alot of my friends.

Leadership So Far.... By Zachary McAllister

This blogging leadership is really fun! I am so happy I got in it. Wonder if i can comment on this? I hope I can! Blogging club is where us kids can blog on our own blogging site for the school. It is really FUN!   

By: Zachary McAllister

Leadership By: Thomas Meacham

Leadership is fun (and it takes time out of reading and social studies) :)

Leadership of awesomeness by Jayson C.

Blogging is awesome because you get to blog. I wish we could use wordpress though. It is awesome because you can add more stuff. But I like blogging wih blogger.

Leadership By Aidan McNeill

This blogging club is wicked !  It makes PKES awsome ! I love Leadership. I cant resit it!!!!!

Leadership..... By Madeline F.

Leadership has been really fun so far i love writing post on the blog. But my favorite thing about it is being able to type. I mean thats what bloging is all about being able to exspess your self on the web.

Leadership By:Ethan B.

My favorite thing about leadership for blogging is we get to post suggestions for other people and what we do.This blogging class is so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leadership By Ryan

Leadership is a program exclusive to Pleasant Knoll Elementary School, and even more limited to fifth graders. There is many groups that you get chosen to do stuff with. Some examples of the groups are Drama, Male Leadership, and Blogging, the group that we are in right now. I like how we get to make our own blogs, but one thing I don't get is how this is being a leader. Probably because people in lower grades will get to look at our blogs. The only thing I don't like about this is the backround of the blog. It just doesn't look appealing to me.

Leadership......... By: Andrew E.

My favorite thing about Leadership so far is posting comments and learning to blog (see *My Favorite Thing About Fifth Grade So Far Is... Andrew E.*)

my leadership academy

this year in in leadership i like to do my blogging club my club is the awsomeest club at pkes

Leadership Jackson P.

I have never done blogging in my life! But it is a great thing to do to tell what i have done!

Friday, October 7, 2011

my favorite thing about fifth grade so far by lynsie w.

my favorite thing about fifth grade so far is that we have harder work and we have to walk alot alot and it is so much fun.

My favorite thing about 5th grade,by Madison

my class.I love so many things about 5th grade,but if i had to pick one it probably would be all my friends. Some in my class now were in my first grade class, I love everybody in my CLASS! :)

My Favorite Thing About 5th Grade So Far,By Madeline F.

My favorit thing about 5th grade is sience we already done a an exsperiment it was so cool i hope we get to do another.

My favorite thing about fifth grade so far by Grace B.

My favorite thing about fifth grade so far is seeing my old friends and learning new things

My favorite part of 5th grade By Jacob Panov

My favorite thing about 5th grade is that we use panther bucks bicause it is kind of like a bank and grown-up stuff so that why I like it (I feel like im a grown-up)

My Favorite Thing about fith grade is...By Leah S.

My favorite thing about fith grade is having a lot of fun with everything so far,and I love recess! everything is so much fun!

My Favorite part about fith grade is... by Dillon McAllister

My favorite thing about fith grade is social studies because we learn more about the past and railroads.

My favorite thing about 5th grade so far By:Thomas

My favorite thing about fith grade so far is: Recess and panther bucks!!!!!

my favorite thing about 5 grade is davis


My Favorite Thing About Fifth Grade So Far Is.... Ethan.B

My favorite thing about fifth grade so far is this year we have so much more things we can do like panther bucks to buy things at recess.Also i'm excited about getting ready for middle school.

My Favorite Thing About 5 grade is by Aidan and Zach M.

My favorite thing about 5 grade so far is... We get panther bucks and we are the leader of the school.

My Favorite Part about Fifth Grade so Far by Ryan Tant

My favorite part about 5th grade so far is social studies, because it is my favorite subject. I like how we are starting right after the end of 4th grade, so I wonder where we will stop in 5th grade. It will be cool if we can go to our current time, and maybe the future :o. Now that would be cool if that happened.

My Favorite thing about 5th grade is by Jayson C.

My favorite thing about 5th grade grade is reading. Currently I am reading The Strange Case of Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger.
I give it a ***** (5 star) review!

My Favorite Thing About Fifth Grade So Far ... Andrew E.

My favorite thing about fifth grade so far is getting ready for middle school. It is exciting to know that in just one year I will be in middle school.

My favorite part of 5th Grade BY:Jackson P.

My favorite part of 5th grade is reading. I just  love reading! ( it  is my fovorite subject and I could do it for hours)

My favorite thing about fifth grade by tejas padmanabhan

my favorite thing in fifth grade is that we get panther bucks for doing good grades and for doing our job.And then we get to have a celebration.

My Favorite Thing About Fifth Grade So Far by Mr. Griffin

My favorite thing about fifth grade so far is getting to work with Ms. Dievendorf and Ms. Jackson.  They are the coolest teachers I have ever worked with in my entire life.  I hope they never switch to another grade level, ever.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My Favorite Thing About Fifth Grade So, Miss Dievendorf

My favorite thing about fifth grade so far is learning new material to teach.  Social Studies is my favorite subject, so I am very eager to teach new units.  I also love the age group of fifth grade, and how exciting it will be to watch you grow into middle schoolers!

My Favorite Thing About 5th Grade So Far by Ms. Jackson

My favorite thing about fifth grade so far is that I get to see all of my students from last year all over!  It is fun to have new students, but I love seeing the growth in the students I had last year also.  This year, I get to see my students taking on new responsibilities and leadership roles, which is exciting.  I look forward to the rest of the year!!